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Annual Report 1998: Hungarian Association For Community Development
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Közösségfejlesztők Egyesülete
éves beszámoló, HACD
Civil Kollégium Alapítvány alapdokumentumok, Éves jelentések
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(Közösségfejlesztők Egyesülete)
1011 Budapest, Corvin tér 8. Tel./fax: 36 1 201 5728 E-mail:

· The Objective of the Association for Community Development
· Facts
· The Activities of the Association for Community Development in 1998
· Plans for 1999
· Financial Report

The objective of the Association for Community Development is the development of the ability of citizens to initiate and act in the community.
This goal is meant to be achieved through increasing the participation of citizens in their own affairs, through improving the community-related conditions of local action, and through building the local institutions of democracy.

The Functioning of the Organisation:

1. As a movement
it promotes the attitude and methods of community development:
· it organises conferences, seminars, and meetings
· it publishes its own quarterly, the PAROLA
· it runs the Civil Radio - in Budapest and the surrounding areas - and it strengthens the operation of local media (community radio stations, local newspapers, local associations)
· it runs a computerised information system and network called the Community Database
· it develops and maintains national and international relations, and it participates in events which are important for its work

2. As a professional organisation
it performs professional development work:
· it develops new methods and leads local, small regional, and regional projects
· it analyses, publishes, and teaches the results
· it trains volunteers for community work and civil action
· it trains professionals at higher-educational institutions and through its own training courses
· its training activities are strengthened by providing training curricula, course books, and other materials published by the organisation itself
· it makes efforts to win over decision-makers as well as sponsors in order to apply community development in a wider range


The association is a nation-wide organisation which was founded in April 1989. At present, it has 250 members, who work on a voluntary basis. The members are from different parts of the country, and they possess different social and professional backgrounds. About two-thirds of the association’s members are composed of local non-profit organisations and local authorities. The remaining one-third is constituted by professionals providing help - community educators, social workers, teachers, clergymen, and local development professionals.

The Budapest Court of Justice has declared that the association is an eminently public benefit organisation from 1 January 1998 onwards. Its work is supervised by the General Assembly, which is convoked at least once a year. Its elected Board comprises 5 persons.

The president of the association at present is Tamás A. Varga, and its secretaries are Ferenc Péterfi and Ilona Vercseg.

Everyone in the association works on a voluntary basis, salaries are only paid in the framework of our projects. We have one full-time employee, Andrea Purtczl, who has administrative, financial, and organisational tasks. On a temporary basis we employ community workers in our local projects as long as they are unable to create the financial basis of their employment from some other source. The main objective of our present efforts is to strengthen our association through employing further part-time and full-time workers.

Our most important partners:

· Combined European Bureau for Social Development
· International Association for Community Education
· International Association for Community Development
· Hungarian Institute for Culture
· Association for Community Development in the County of Békés
· Community Service of Vas County
· “Living-Space” Association, Komárom
· Kunszentmiklós Local Council
· Small Regional Union of Felső-Kiskunság
· Job Centre of Bács-Kiskun County
· Association of Community Workers in the Felső-Kiskunság Region

Our sponsors in 1998

(contributions in kind - e.g. office upkeep and other running expenses - are considered as donations)
· Hungarian Parliament
· Local councils
· National Employment Fund
· National Youth Fund
· Hungarian Institute for Culture
· Charity Know How Fund

The Activities of the Hungarian Association for
Community Development in 1998

Besides performing our usual activities, the year of 1998 was also the year of planning and preparing for the future. We realised that the process of joining the European Union brings us new responsibilities, new opportunities, and new tasks. The integration and the grant programmes which are gradually opening as a result will certainly increase the social demand for community development in Hungary as well. In this situation our association, which has had a long past as well as significant results, and which possesses the experience and security of organic development, can greatly contribute to an increasing participation of citizens in local action. The 20 years of history which community development has in Hungary and the challenges of the future both commit us to strengthen our organisation while serving local action and local societies which have been structuring with difficulty. In this way we have started elaborating our long-term strategic plan, and we have begun to make our financial management more secure and more consolidated in the long run (see our plans for 1999!)

Besides the preparatory activities we have carried on with our “conventional” activities.

1., The promotion of community development
· “Urban Community Development” - seminar introducing four neighbourhood projects. Organised in co-operation with the Hungarian Institute for Culture.
· Between 24-26 April we organised a conference on “Community Development and Creating Jobs” in Kunbábony which was funded by the National Employment Fund.
· Between 17-27 we organised an international seminar titled “Let young people find their own voice!” in co-operation with ICEA. The seminar was held in Kunbábony, and it was attended by young people from five countries.
· In November we organised the conference “Community Development and Training” in co-operation with the Hungarian Association for Community Development. The conference was attended by those concerned with training community development.
· Seminar in Debrecen on “The Hungarian Practice of Community Radios” in co-operation with the Hungarian Organisation of Independent Radios.

2., We published 3 issues of the PAROLA, but, due to a temporary shortage of funds, the 98/4 issue will come out only at the end of March.

3., During the 1998 activities of the Civil Radio we took part in the continuos operation of a staff consisting of 110 volunteers. We broadcasted 48 hours a week all through the year. In 1998 we introduced 750-800 non-profit organisations, which constitute a cross-section of the Hungarian non-profit sphere. · The demand for local media and the local use of media has increased, and this, in turn, has increased the number of our consultative and training activities.
· In connection with the practical introduction of the Non-Profit Act we have assisted several local organisations in order to achieve their re-qualification.

4. In 1998 our Community Database put the main emphasis on elaborating the technology of the ”Computer Library”.
· We have contributed to the preparation of the ”This is the minimum...” hyper-text which targets young people.
· We collect, systematise, and publish documents and information concerning the methodology and practice of community work.
· The Hungarian home-page of community development has been prepared and put on the Internet at

5. In Spring and Autumn we took part in the board meetings of the CEBSD and the international conferences organised parallel to them in Saarbrücken and Barcelona.

Our professional development activities in 1998:

1. Our most important projects
In our local development activities first we assist the birth of community organisation, and then we contribute to the work of the formalised local organisations with information, training, consultancy, partnership-building, fund-raising, and, if necessary, project supervision.
· Activities supporting the work of Local Children and Youth Councils · Development work in the borderland of Szatmár - with the emphasis on economy and tourism. In 1998 we organised a total of 6 conferences in Romania and Hungary on the possible ways of developing the region.
· In the framework of the regional development work in the Felső-Kiskunság local cultural/social needs, job opportunities, and the situation of young people have been brought into the limelight of community organisation in the five villages concerned.
· In 1998 community organisation was launched by local young parents in 3 neighbourhoods surrounding 3 playgrounds in Kőbánya. The parents have produced significant results in terms of co-operating with the local government.
· In the Szilaspark of the 15th District of Budapest significant steps were taken in a neighbourhood development programme in order to achieve close co-operation with the local government.

2. The training of volunteers for community work and civil action
· We have started training 5 local community workers who live in the Felső-Kiskunság.
· We have also launched the training of the interested members of the Association of Parents from Kőbánya.
· We have made preparations for a community worker training course within the small regional programme of the Welfare Service Foundation.
· For preparing volunteers for civil action see the Annual Report of the Civil College!

3. Training & Publishing
· We have prepared syllabuses, bibliographies, and an “computerised text-book” for our students at higher-educational institutions.
· We have put together syllabuses and curricula for teacher training courses in the profession of community development. The accreditation is in process.
· We have initiated the accreditation of community development as a profession on both the secondary and higher-educational levels.
· We have prepared the syllabus of the post-gradual training for youth referrals.
· We have provided professional assistance for several university and college students in writing their thesis, and for some students in their professional practice.
· In co-operation with the Hungarian Institute for Culture we have published the handbook ”Community Development” by Tamás A. Varga and Ilona Vercseg. The book is the first summary of the profession in Hungary.

4. We endeavour to take part in the preparation for and - to some extent - in the realisation of every governmental and grant programme in which community development does or may play a role. In 1998 there was an increased demand for our activities as consultants.

Plans for 1999

In the new year our work is focused on the preparations for the so-called ”Local Action” Programme. In the framework of the programme our association ventures to partly become a grantor organisation which strengthens local grassroots action through providing grants. Besides the financial donations, the grants will also cover services by which we will assist active citizens on their way from having an idea to carrying it out. At the same time, this programme is part of our strategy for strengthening our own organisation.

We will make considerable efforts to develop contacts with both Hungarian and foreign grantor organisations.
In the organisation of the programme we will co-operate with the Autonómia, Ökotárs (Ecofriend), and DemNet foundations. The programme is sponsored by the Mott Foundation, and further grants are being arranged with the Prime Minister’s Civil Office, the Rockefeller Foundation, and the Levi Stauss Foundation.

We hope that year of 1999 will be a breakthrough for our association in several respects: we will manage to create the basis for the ”Local Action” Programme which is to be launched in 2000, we will manage to accredit our professional training courses, and through our projects we will succeed in winning over further supporters for our cause among local citizens, decision-makers, and grantors.

Financial Statement

Grants & Income Received in 1998:

Source of Grant
1000 HUF
Hungarian Parliament
Other governmental institution
Local authorities
1 200
Grants, other support
4 601
1% contribution from income tax for civil organisations
Membership Fees
Income from activities defined in the constitution
Income from enterprising
Rest from 1997
1 928
Total grants & income
9 128

Expenditures in 1998

1000 HUF
1. Salaries, employers’ taxes
2 333
From which: regular salaries
non-regular salaries
      salaries for people outside the staff
social insurance
employer’s tax
2. Material and other running expenses:
Material expenses:
5 144
From which: materials & supplies
      total service costs:
3 278
      from which: - gas, water electricity
          - rent
          - transport & travel costs
1 127
          - communication costs (telephone, mailing)
3. Other running expenses in total: (budget payment, taxes, fees, etc.)
4. Accumulation costs
Total expenditure:
8 020
