Nyitó gondolatok
Vercseg Ilona
A kiadás éve:
közösségfejlesztés, partnerség, Küzép-Kelet Európa
Közösségfejlesztési partnerségépítés Közép-Kelet Európában
Elhangzott a Közösségfejlesztési partnerségépítés Közép-Kelet Európában c. program zárószemináriumán Szovátán.
Raktári jelzet:

Opening thoughts:

„The Hungarian Association for Community Development (HACD), the initiator of the project Partnership Building in Central- and Eastern Europe has had the feeling that it should pay attention not only to the social/professional processes of EU member states, but also to the own neighbors of Hungary, with whom it would be timely to reorganize our contacts.
All of a sudden, it seemed to us that the most interesting question was how these countries, who used to live together with us in a forced community of faith, had managed to cope with the accelerated changes, and whether community development professionals in these countries had been able to exert any influence on these changes.
Hence, we had a look around in our „neighborhood”, and we started co-operating with those we had known, hoping that, after a while, an increasing number of people will join us. As I look around in this room, I can make certain that this desire already seems to be verified, and we are very glad about this.

The project launched in 2001 consisted of 2 parts: a collective „Training the Trainers” Program, and the training courses, community development processes and actions organized in the countries of the participants following the program.

This seminar is aimed at summarizing the results of the project and at drawing up the opportunities of further co-operation. We did not choose the grant reports as the method for presenting results, because we felt that, due to their fixed genre, they are not capable of giving a sensible presentation of our societies and of the ways we intervene. After all, we will make the final report of the project available on our website, where it can be red and studied by anyone. Instead, we found that, following the provision of basic information on community development in our countries and on our organizations, it would be best to present case studies which had been born during the project and within its framework, and which highlight the crucial aspects of our work.

Hence, the program of this seminar consists of such country panels. As an introduction, we would like to stimulate the thinking of participants through presenting 4 summary lectures. These lectures all consider community development from a different angle, and all provide us with the opportunity to self-reflect from a specific perspective.

The evaluative summary of the project will take place after the country panels. To close with: we have invited our colleagues from the RACD and Attila Gergely, a sociologist member of the HACD, to share their impressions received during the seminar as well as their thoughts born as a result.

Following the closure of the seminar, an exciting activity will be performed again – the planning of our future co-operation. Our expanding circle seems to be a precondition of a successful planning activity.

I wish all of you a good experience working, a substantial pastime and a genuine recreation!

Vercseg Ilona
