Civil College Foundation Annual Report 1999
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Civil Kollégium Alapítvány
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Civil Kollégium Alapítvány

Annual Report 1999

In 1999 the Civil College Foundation, in close co-operation with the Hungarian Association for Community Development, carried on strengthening the organisation, and the operation of its residential training centre has become regular. The introduction of the Civil College has taken place both in the environment of the residential training centre in Kunbábony and on the national level. Since 1997, the year of opening the training centre, the organisation has become well-known in 3 respects: as a folk high school, as the training centre of non-governmental organisations, and as the training centre of the profession of community development.

Organising contacts

By today, maintaining existing relations has become more important than establishing new ones. Our contacts built in the past year are still alive, and they have been completed by a number of new contacts both in Hungary - mainly on the local level, in the Small Region around the training centre - and abroad, for example with the Adult Training Department of the University of Leeds. Some of our contacts have turned into regular co-operation, and they have become genuine partnerships: the most important of these has been our relation with our English partner, the Northern College, Barnsley.

Training courses

Our foundation organises 3 kinds of training courses:
- “civil training courses” to strengthen Hungarian civil society with trained civil organisations which operate in the long term, have identified their goals and activities, know how to carry out the tasks they have undertaken, are well-informed and co-operate with their partners,
- professional training in community development,
- training courses in the framework of the pilot community development project in the Upper-Kiskunság.

Civil training
In our Annual Report we provide a detailed list of our courses in 1999. Please note that most of our civil training courses are weekend courses, and that training a group may take several weekends. Our courses on community enterprising usually take 2x5 days. The number of participants attending our courses is usually somewhere between 14 and 32.
Gypsy Community Centres
Besides the regularly held week-end training courses for civil organisations, we have been organising weekend training courses for the representatives of Gypsy community centres in the framework of a grant from the Soros Foundation. Approximately half of the 21 week-end courses were organised in 1999, and the programme will be carried on till the end of March 2000.
During the training courses participants start considering the needs of their community, and hence they develop their community projects.
“Thinking about Democracy”
In the framework of this programme, the tutors of the Civil College have adapted the “Thinking about Democracy” training programme, a result of the co-operation between the Northern College, UK and the University of Leeds.
In October 1999 the first “Trainer Training” course was held for the teachers of the Civil College. The course has been attended by the English colleagues as well. Following this, the trained teachers organised two successful pilot training courses in the topic in November and December. At present, further training courses are being organised on this subject, and further 5 training modules elaborated by our English colleagues are being translated and adapted:
- Democracy and Environment
- Democracy and Work
- Democracy and Community
- Democracy and Women
- Democracy and Europe

Professional training
Professional training in community development has been strengthened as well. The tuition of the subject has been accredited by the Department of Cultural Management and Social Politics/Social Work at the ELTE University of Budapest, and by the Department of Sociology-Social Politics/Cultural Management at the JPTE University of Pécs. The subject has also been accredited as an optional subject of the compulsory further training for teachers, which is due in every 7 years.
In 1999 the leaders of the Civil College elaborated and submitted the proposal concerning the professional accreditation of community development as well as its inclusion in the National Training Register. The decision is expected to be made in 2000.

Training courses in the framework of the pilot community development project in the Felső-Kiskunság

The experimental project of the Civil College-HACD in the Upper-Kiskunság small region has introduced the building of partnerships among local actors. With grant support from the National Employment Fund we have trained 6 unemployed people in the region to become community workers. Following their training, these people have founded their Association of Community Workers in the Small Region of “Felső (Upper)-Kiskunság”. This association has obtained funding from the County Job Centre in order to employ two people for a period of one year in the positions of “community workers working with the unemployed”.
In accordance with local needs, a pioneering activity of developing community enterprises has taken shape, during which:
- A 2x5-day training course for unemployed people was held for a total of 20 participants. The course was sponsored by the local job centre.
- 4 folk high-school forums (called “Winter Evenings”) were held for local farmers interested in bio-farming (35 participants).
- Two basic computer skills courses were held for a total of 25 unemployed participants, 17 of whom got a certificate.
The development of the economy with community methods is still a new, unbeaten path in Hungary, but serious initiatives are only now being made even in Western-Europe. The project, therefore, enriches the profession of community development itself (beyond its significance in the locality).
Recently, the so-called “Quick Reaction” programme has been launched in order to prepare political decision-makers, non-governmental organisations, and the actors of economy in the small-region for co-operating in economic development. 50 people from the region are being trained.
All this suggests that the local folk high school programme builds on civic movement and needs. It provides the opportunity to learn for people who need it, and when they need it.

Our main sponsors and partners in 1999
Bács-Kiskun County Job Centre – training course preparing for community enterprising
British Embassy – 2 pilot training courses on “Thinking about Democracy”
Charity Know How – the adaptation of 6 modules on democracy
EU SOCRATES-PEDEC Programme – the involvement of the Civil College in the “Thinking about Democracy” Programme
Hungarian Institute for Culture – professional and technical co-operation
Local Council, Kunszentmiklós – local co-operation
Mott Foundation – general purposes grant
National Employment Fund – training for community workers
Northern College, Barnsley, U.K. – professional co-operation, the Hungarian version of the 6 democracy modules
Private donor
Soros Foundation – Gypsy community centre training programme
Upper-Kiskunság Job Centre – the employment of community workers
Upper-Kiskunság Small Regional Union – partnership building, small regional training programme

Training Courses in 1999
Civil Courses
Recurrent courses, training series
In 18 weekends: interior further training course for the colleagues of the Civil Radio – “Reporters’ Workshops”,
24 participants/event, 432 people altogether
In 10 weekends: training for the activists of gypsy community centres, 15 participants/event, 150 people altogether
In 3 week-ends: training for the charity organisations in the Diocese of Szombathely, 25 participants
Courses covering 2 events
- Training for Mayors – co-operation in the Union of Villages Along the “Principális” (Zala County), 31 participants altogether
- Training for participants of the EU SAPARD regional development programme, 140 participants altogether
- Nation-wide training programme organised by the Welfare Service Foundation for the participants of 60 civil organisations, 78 participants altogether
Courses covering one event
Training courses for volunteers and professionals interested in community development:
- Community development training course organised by the Magyar Kollégium (Hungarian College), 14 participants
- Association for Tourism in Gödöllo, 26 participants
- Small Regional Professionals, Szekszárd, 43 participants
Training courses on democracy
Members of the Small Regional Professional Council, Jászszentlászló, 17 participants
Leaders of NGOs in the County of Békés, Kétegyháza, 21 participants
Courses on local media
Local Media Association of Csepreg, 10 participants
Local Media Association of Gyorvár, 16 participants
NGO people of Vasalja, 60 participants
Press-Work and Using Media – National Assembly of the GYIÖK (local youth and children councils), 40 participants
LINK Association for Help, 9 participants
Association of Parents in the District of Kobánya, 18 participants
Civil action techniques
Co-operation with local councils:
Cultural Association, Mosonmagyaróvár, 14 participants
Day care facilities for children Pro Excellentia Foundation, 32 participants
Fundraising, grant applications
Staff of TIT Sopron, Sopron, 6 participants
Cultural Association, Mosonmagyaróvár, 14 participants
Training courses for youth organisations
KUNFI Association, Kunszentmiklós, 12 participants
Children and Youth Foundation of the County of Békés, 40 participants
Youth Association of Sitke, 14 participants
Representatives of Local Children and Youth Councils and assisting teachers, 30 participants

Professional Training: The Theory and Practice of Community Development

Courses covering 2 terms
a, regular university courses
- ELTE TFK, Budapest, Department of Cultural Management, 3rd Year, 23 students
- POTE Medical College Department, Szombathely, Nurse Training Course, 4th Year, 29 students
b, correspondence courses
- ELTE TFK, Budapest, Department of Cultural Management, 3rd Year, 18 students

Courses covering 1 term
a, regular university courses
- ELTE University of Budapest, Department of Social Work, 4th Year, 10 students
- 4th-5th year students at the Social Politics Department of the JPTE University of Pécs, 24 students
- JPTE-FEEFI Pécs, Department of Cultural Management, 2nd Year, 41 students
- BD Teacher Training College, Szombathely, Department of Cultural Management, 4th Year, 61 students
- Csokonai VM Teacher Training College, Kaposvár, Department of Public Education, 4th Year, 22 students.
- Wesley János Clergyman Training College, Budapest, Department of Social Work, 4th Year, 17 students
b, correspondence courses
- JPTE-FEEFI Branch, Gyor, Department of Cultural Management, 2nd Year, 28 students
- JPTE-FEEFI Branch, Budapest, Department of Cultural Management, 2nd Year, 80 students
- ELTE TFK Budapest, Department of Cultural Management, 2nd Year, 160 students
c, Post-gradual correspondence courses
- ELTE Budapest, Department of Social Work, 3rd Year, 24 students

Training courses in the Upper-Kiskunság
- Community-Based Economic Development, 2x5 days, 16 participants
- Community Worker Training Course – in the framework of 6 weekend and 4 one-day training courses, 7 participants
- OKJ (National Training Register) Computer Skills Course, 2 courses, 18 participants altogether

“Trainer Training” programmes for the tutors of the Civil College
Activities preparing for the “Gypsy Community Centre” courses, 16 participants
Activities preparing for the “Thinking about Democracy” courses, 18 participants

Interior training courses of the Civil College and the Association for Community Development
- Preparing for Activities in 1999 – Joint training weekend of the Association for Community Development and the Civil College, 24 participants
- Preparing for Handling Conflicts – under the leadership of the Márai Association, Slovakia. Joint training weekend of the Association for Community Development and the Civil College, 19 participants
- Evaluating 1999, Planning for 2000. Joint training weekend of the Association for Community Development and the Civil College, 23 participants

Financial Report

Rates: 1 USD = 213,06 HUF (01.01.1999)
1 USD = 252,52 HUF (31.12.1999)

Source of Grant
1000 HUF
Charities Aid Foundation
2 448
Northern College - Socrates program
1 442
private donation
7 476
Council for Development in Bács-Kiskun County
Soros Foundation
Labour Office in Bács-Kiskun County
Operational incomes from basic activities
4 869
Income from activities defined in the constitution and enterprising
others (Hungária Issurance Company)
17 526

Salaries, employers’ taxes
8 758
regular salaries
5 001
Salaries for people outside the staff
1 693
Social insurance
1 834
Employer’s tax
Material expenses
6 356
materials & supplies
1 164
total service costs
3 371
from wich: transport & travel costs
1 199
communication costs (telephone, mailing)
Other running expenses in total: (budget payment, taxes, fees, etc.)
1 922
Accumulation costs
17 939
