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Év: | 2001 |
Szám: | 2 |
Oldalszám: | 16 |
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Közösségfejlesztő Alapítvány (Nagy-Britannia)
The Community Development Foundation (CDF) is a non-departmental public body supported by the Active Community Unit of the Home Office. Its role is to pioneer, study and promote new forms of community development, in order to inform public policy, professional practice and community initiatives.
Set up in 1968, CDF strengthens communities by ensuring the effective participation of people in determining the conditions which affect their lives. A leading authority on community development and associated issues in the UK and mainland Europe, CDF works through:
1. local action projects;
2. development of best practice;
3. research, evaluation and policy analysis;
4. consultancies and training programmes;
5. conferences and seminars;
6. information and publications.
CDF sees partnership as a key to supporting community efforts and works closely with local and other forms of community organisation, local authorities, educational institutions, businesses, the voluntary sector, health authorities and government departments.
CDF operates in three main ways:
1. working directly in and with communities;
2. providing and communicating findings and examples of best practice;
3. feeding ‘hands on’ experience and knowledge into new programmes and policy proposals.
Achieving Better Community Development
Community development principles and methods are proving to be vital instruments to achieve social inclusion, regeneration and effective local services. The ‘ABCD’ method for understanding and evaluating community development was pioneered in Northern Ireland and is now used throughout the UK. This set of highly practical, clearly structured materials, complete with reproducible worksheets and OHPs (in the resource pack) gives you all the material you need to take an organisation, group of workers or trainees through the ABCD process, which will assist them to: understand what community development entails and incorporate it into policies, programmes and projects; assess the strength of communities: their inclusiveness, level of organisation, capacity and influence; plan effective community development programmes with a vision for change, processes and results; develop indicators to track the effectiveness of community development intervention; and assess the quality of life in communities before and after the intervention.
The set consists of three items:
ABCD Handbook
A Framework for Evaluating Community Development
Alan Barr and Stuart Hashagen
This core text describes the approach, discusses the components of community development in detail, and sets out the stages for planning and evaluating it. It is an essential accompaniment to the trainers’ resource pack below, but can also be read on its own.
Ł9.95 pb 92pp A4 ISBN 1 901974 20 0 2000
Achieving Better Community Development: Trainers’ Resource Pack
Alan Barr and Stuart Hashagen
All the materials necessary to deliver training in ABCD, or to facilitate events and activities to help people understand and apply the approach. Can only be used in conjunction with the handbook.
Ł27.00 A4 110pp In ring binder ISBN 1 901974 22 7 2000
Working with ABCD
Experience, Lessons and Issues from Practice
Peter Taylor with Alan Barr and Stuart Hashagen
Case studies showing different applications of ABCD in Britain and Ireland, with a commentary on the lessons for policy and practice.
Ł14.95 pb A4 50pp ISBN 901974 21 9 2000
How to order
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3. if you are ordering five or more books (same or different) you may deduct 10% discount
4. calculate the postal costs (see below for details) and add to the (discounted) total
5. fill in your name and address details
6. return the order form with your payment
7. (cheque with order, please) to:
CDF Publications, 60 Highbury Grove,
London N5 2AG (UK)
Tel: +44 20 7226 5375, Fax: +44 20 7704 0313
Email: admin@cdf.org.uk, Internet:http://www.cdf.org
Cheques should be made payable to Community Development Foundation. Overseas customers should pay in British Sterling. If ordering from the European Union we also accept payment in Euros.
Postage and packing:
Prices do not include postage and packing. Please add as follows:
Outside United Kingdom: 15% of order value (minimum 1,50). Overseas orders are sent by surface mail. If you wish your order to be sent by airmail, please contact us for a quote.
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Orders will be despatched as quickly as possible. Please allow 14 days from receipt of order. Orders for publications not yet published will be recorded and despatched on publication. We will notify you of any delay, if an item is out of stock, or otherwise unavailable.
Trade discount on all books appearing in the catalogue is 25% on single copy orders, 33% on two or more copies of a title (NB the 10% discount for five or more books does not apply). You can order by post or fax.
Inspection copies for lectures and trainers
Many CDF titles are suitable for group use (eg with students, people on training courses, regeneration partnerships, community projects or community development teams). If you are teaching or organising such a group we will be happy to send you titles with 30 day inspection copy invoice. If you then order five or more copies you may keep the inspection copy free of charge as well as receiving the 10% discount on bulk orders. Otherwise we will require payment for the inspection copy/ies, or return in good condition.
Enquiries or orders with credit card details can be emailed to us at: admin@cdf.org.uk. Visit our website at http://www.cdf.org.uk for latest title information.
Please note that all prices, titles, publication details and dates are correct at time to going to press, but are subject to change without notice.
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