
I. Szakmaközi Nyári Egyetem
Civil Kollégium, Kunszentmiklós-Kunbábony, ,
, Hajnal Ágnes, hajnalagi@freemail.hu; Kovács Edit kedit@kkapcsolat.hu; tel/fax.: 061/201-5728
Részvételi díj:
5000 Ft + étkezés 1300Ft/nap
Civil Kollégium Alapítvány, Közösségfejlesztők Egyesülete, Magyar Művelődési Intézet
Társadalmi részvétel fejlesztése; Nyári Egyetem
In English
1st Interdisciplinary Summer Camp in Kunbábony
11-15 August 2004
Developing Community Involvement

Dear Colleagues,

Please let us invite you to the 1st Interdisciplinary Summer University organized by the Hungarian Association for Community Development, the Civil College Foundation and the Hungarian Institute for Culture between 11 –15 August 2004 in Kunbábony, Hungary.

The goal of the Summer Camp is to initiate dialogue about possible interdisciplinary roles and opportunities for cooperation among different professional fields. Hence, our first meeting focuses on the opportunities of developing community involvement, mobilizing citizens and involving local residents into decision-making. These are issues that serve as basic conditions for democracy, and that, at present, are the most important priorities in European Union programmes.

Target Groups:

The following professional fields have been addressed:
- Cultural management,
- Development work (regional development, community development, technical development professions),
- Social work, and
- Environmental conservation.

Nevertheless, anyone working in/with communities and willing to participate in the cooperation of the above professions is welcome.

The Form:

The Summer University is implemented as a summer camp where, besides learning and exchanging experiences, participants are given the opportunity to get to know each, relax and make new friends. Hence, activities such as musical/dance programmes, watching videos, collective campfires and cooking will be organized alongside the formal lectures and workshops.

We are going to set a tent for each professional field in the yard of the Civil College, and the representatives of the professions will initiate workshop activities on a daily basis. Each day we are going to dissect one of the following themes:
- Challenge,
- Change,
- Good practice,
- Social involvement and community planning.

Each day work will be started and ended with a plenary session (thought-provoking lectures at the beginning and the evaluation of experiences from workshops at the end). In the meantime, randomly selected groups of participants will roam around among the different tents, attending workshops of 1-2 hours length.

Why it is worth coming

- This is the first event that provides a forum for starting an interdisciplinary dialogue, with local community work in the limelight.
- You will be given the opportunity to become familiar with the theoretical backgrounds of different professional fields, their challenges, pioneers and their young colleagues working with them.
- The development of an interdisciplinary cooperation gives a new impetus to the work of all of us, and it will enable us to assist local communities more effectively.


Participation fee: 5000 HUF/person
(The amount covers the participation fee, a camping-place with bathrooms, and breakfast) Also on offer:
· Accommodation in the building of Civil College (in bedrooms with separate bathrooms): 1000 HUF/day (at the same spot)
· Warm lunch and supper: 1300 HUF/day

Registration and further information:

Hungarian Association for Community Development
1011 Bp. Corvin tér 8.
Tel / fax: 201 57 28
Organizers: Hajnal Ágnes, Kovács Edit
E-mail: hajnalagi@freemail.hu, kedit@kka.hu

A résztvevők listája:[melléklet: "Elérhetőségeink.xls"; törölte: Ágnes Hajnal/Palyazatfigyelo]
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